Calvert Manor Corporation Policies & Fees
Your Water Bill
Your quarterly water bill is based on your actual water use. Meters are read at the end of each quarter, in the last weeks of March, June, September, and December. Bills are mailed around the 1st of the following month and are due upon receipt.. The total bill amount includes reserve fund and maintenance fees, which are charged whether or not you use any water. Please be sure to pay the full amount, including the fees.
You may mail your payment, drop it in the mailbox at 102 Captain Brendt Drive, or pay online through PayPal. for an additional fee. Please include your payment stub and write your account number and the current date on your check. Postdated checks (checks with a date later than the current date) will not be accepted. Do not use staples or tape.
Due Date and Late Fee
Payment in full is upon receipt. Payments received after the 25th of the mailing month (April, July, October and January) will incur a $25 late fee.
Responsible Party
We send water bills to tenants unless otherwise informed by the property owner. However, property owners are ultimately responsible for water bills and will be notified if the tenant's bill is delinquent.
Delinquency and Disconnnection of Service
If payment (including late fee) is not received within 15 days of the payment due date, you will receive a notice of delinquency. To avoid disconnection of service, you must pay your bill in full, plus penalties, within 15 business days of this date. If we do not receive payment, you will receive a termination notice and water will be shut off 48 hours after the new payment due date.
Reconnection Fees
In the case of disconnection, before service can be resumed, all outstanding bills and charges must be brought current. This includes a $50 reconnection fee. There is no guarantee that we will be able to reconnect your water after normal business hours; if we are able to, you will be charged the weekend/after-hours reconnection fee, which is $75.
Termination of service for nonpayment does not relieve you of the obligation to pay all outstanding bills and charges. Maintenance and reserve fund fees remain in effect while water is shut off.
Meters are the property of Calvert Manor Corporation. Tampering with a water meter is a federal offense. Property owners are not authorized to enter the meter vault to turn their own water back on, and doing so will result in a fine of $250.
Meter Reading Fee
A $25 fee will be assessed when a meter is read at the request of a property owner at a time other than the scheduled quarterly reading, including when ownership or tenancy changes..
Stock/Account Transfer Fee
Calvert Manor Corporation is a stockholder corporation, with six shares required to draw water. These six shares convey with the property upon payment of a $100 transfer fee and are held on the books. Please see our Selling a House page for more information.
Returned Check Fee
A $25 fee will be assessed for all checks returned by the bank for insufficient funds.
If your water has been shut off for nonpayment twice, an additional deposit will be required before service can be restored. The amount of the deposit will be equal to an average quarterly water bill plus $50. The deposit does not relieve you of the obligation to pay subsequent water bills or fees for late payment or disconnection/reconnection.
Payment Plans
If you are unable to pay your bill in full, email us to discuss a possible payment plan.
Questions and Appeals
If you have questions or comments about your water bill, send us an email, TEXT 240-273-6359, or write to Calvert Manor Corporation, 102 Captain Brendt Dr., Accokeek MD 20607. Business hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Water Meter Damage
Water meters, vaults, and covers are the property of Calvert Manor Corporation. Property owners must keep meters cleared of plants, dirt, and debris and maintain clear access to the meter. If the meter cover, vault or meter is damaged by a property owner, workers the owner has hired, or anyone else, the owner will be charged the cost of replacement.
Water Meter Access and Tampering
Entering a meter vault without the express permission of Calvert Manor Corporation and tampering with a water meter is a federal crime. Calvert Manor Corporation will impose a $250 fine for each instance.