Calvert Manor Civic Association, Inc. By-Laws
Article I - Definitions
Section A. The name of this organization shall be "Calvert Manor Civic Association, Incorporated." (Also referred to here as CMCA, Inc. CMCA, and the Association.)
Section B. The term “Joint Holder” describes membership when two or more persons owns property jointly or in common, of land located in Calvert Manor. In the case of joint membership, any one of the joint members may act for and represent all of the joint members of that joint membership. In no case shall joint membership entitle the holders thereof to more than two votes.
Section C. The term “Registered Address” refers to the physical address and, if provided, to the electronic mail address, provided by the member to the Secretary for purposes of notice.
Section D. The term “Good Standing” means that dues owed for the current year have been paid.
Section E. The term “quorum” refers to minimum of ten (10) voting members required for a valid meeting, with votes being carried by a 2/3 majority of the voting members present or by proxy.
Article II – Purpose
Section A. The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and protect the general welfare of the community known and described as "CALVERT MANOR" located in Prince George's County, State of Maryland; and the welfare of all its member property owners and residents/ tenants located in Calvert Manor.
Section B. To improve, manage, develop and take title to real estate; sell, assign, transfer, lease, pledge or otherwise dispose of real estate to which the Association may hold title.
Article III - Membership
Section A. “Full Membership” Owners of real property, single or joint holders, in Calvert Manor shall be members of the Association. In the event of multiple lot ownership, a maximum of two (2) voting memberships shall be allowed regardless of the number of lots owned.
Section B. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote either in person, by proxy, electronic mail, or postal mail.
Section C. A member shall be in good standing if he or she has complied with the provisions in the Bylaws and assessment dues owed for the current year have been paid.
Section D. Any member in good standing may be elected to any office.
Section E. “Associate Membership” Tenants/ Renters may become non-voting associates upon their payment of the annual assessment. Associate members may attend annual meetings as observers, without a vote, and may serve on committees.
Article IV - Officers
Section A. The business of the Association shall be governed by the Board of Directors (Executive Committee), which shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section B. Qualifications- All members of the Board of Directors shall be full members of the Association in Good Standing. In the case of Joint Holders, only one owner may serve on the Board during a term.
Section C. The procedure for nominations for members as candidates for election as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be governed by the following provisions:
- In February, the President shall appoint a Chairman and two (2) members to constitute a Nominating Committee. No Director shall be appointed to the Nominating Committee.
- A single slate of nominees, one for each office, shall be presented, provided that each nominee has agreed to serve if elected. No member shall be nominated for more than one office by the Nominating Committee. These nominations shall be announced in March and presented at the Annual Meeting in April, at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor, providing that the nominees have agreed to serve if elected.
- The elections shall be held at the Annual Meeting in April, with election to be determined by plurality. (See Article VII, Sections B, C, and D.)
- The new officers shall assume their duties on June l.
Section D. Term of office shall be for two (2) years, with no person holding the same office for more than two consecutive terms. A member shall be eligible for election to an office previously held for two (2) terms after a lapse of one (1) year.
Section E. Should a vacancy occur, the Board of Directors shall appoint a qualified member to serve the unexpired term.
Section F. Outgoing officers shall turn over corporate material to successors within two (2) weeks following expiration of their terms.
Section G. An officer who wishes to resign shall send a written resignation to the Board of Directors. (See Article IV, Section E, above.)
Article V - Authorities and Responsibilities
Section A. Authorities and responsibilities of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:
- The Board shall be the governing body of the Association. The Board shall approve and allocate all expenditures. The Board shall not incur obligations in excess of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per calendar year without the authorization of the Association. The Board is subject to the orders of the Association and shall not take any action that conflicts with the policies established by the Association.
- In the event of proposals to expend more than $200 or whenever any question arises which the Board considers should be put to a vote of the membership, the Board must submit such matter to the membership in writing by mail (including electronic mail) for vote and decision; and the question thus presented will be determined according to a 2/3 majority of the valid votes received by mail (including electronic mail) within three weeks after such submission to the membership, provided that, in each case, votes of the majority are received. If, in the unanimous opinion of the Board of Directors, an emergency exists, the three week period may be shortened to one week, provided that notice to that effect is included in submitting the question to the membership for their vote. Any and all action taken in pursuance of a mail (including electronic mail) in vote in each such case shall be binding upon the Association.
- Meetings of the Board shall be held at least three (3) times per year and whenever deemed necessary by the Board. Notice shall be given to each officer.
- A quorum shall consist of three fourths (3/4) of the Directors. When a quorum is present at any meeting, the vote of a majority of Directors present shall decide any question. With a 2-2 vote, the President's vote shall prevail.
Section B. Authorities and responsibilities of the officers shall be as follows:
- The President shall preside at all meetings, exercising a general supervision over the interests and welfare of the Association. The President shall: appoint all committees necessary to the functioning of the Association; be ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee; shall sign with one (1) other officer checks on behalf of the Association, and shall sign with the Treasurer all contracts, notes, deeds, and other instruments on behalf of the Association. The President shall call special meetings of the Board and Association when required.
- The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, perform all the duties pertaining to the office with full authority. The Vice President shall be Parliamentarian of the Association.
- The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and shall be custodian of all deeds, transfers easements, and other documents and records (except financial and committee records) affecting the Association. The Secretary shall send out notices of meetings, and attend to correspondence on behalf of the Association. A proper correspondence file shall be maintained, and all records shall be readily available to the Board. The Secretary is authorized to purchase any equipment and supplies necessary to carry out the functions of this office as approved by the Board or the Association. In the absence of both the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall perform all the duties pertaining to the offices with full authority.
- The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Calvert Manor Civic Association, Inc., and shall deposit them in the name of the Association. The Treasurer shall sign, with any one (1) officer, all checks on behalf of the Association; and shall sign with the President all contracts, notes, deeds, and other instruments on behalf of the Association, supervise the keeping of accounts of all financial transactions of the Association in books belonging to the Association, and make all records readily available to the board and any member of the Association; and make a full and accurate report of all matters and business pertaining to this office to the members at the regular meetings. The Treasurer's account shall be audited annually, for which purpose the accounts of the Treasurer shall be closed at the end of each term. The Treasurer is authorized to purchase any equipment and supplies necessary to carry out the functions of this office as approved by the Board or the Association.
- The President shall appoint or approve all committees necessary to the function of the Association. Committees are authorized to purchase equipment, supplies, and services necessary to carry out the functions of the committees as authorized by majority vote of the Committee and Board; in any year the committee shall not incur obligations in excess of the annual budgeted dollar amount for that committee without the authorization of the Association.
Article VI – Meetings
Section A. Meetings of the Calvert Manor Civic Association, Inc. shall be held at least two (2) times per year with the April meeting designated as the Annual Meeting.
Section B. A quorum for all Association meetings shall consist of not less than ten (10) voting members.
Section C. Special Meetings may be called by the Board with notice to the membership, when possible, one week prior to the meeting, giving the purpose, place, and time of meeting.
Article VII - Parliamentary Authority
Section A. Where these Bylaws are silent, Robert's Rules of Order shall apply.
Section B. Voting shall be by voice vote unless the President or a majority of members present call for a show of hands of a secret ballot. (See Article IV, Section C (3).)
Section C. Proposed changes in Bylaws or assessment shall be announced at least one (1) month prior to an Annual or Special Meeting. Such changes must be carried by a quorum vote. (see Article IX, Sec A (1).
Section D. All other motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members present or by proxy.
Article VIII - Restrictions and Conditions
Section A. Restrictions and Conditions set forth in the original Sales Contracts and registered in the County Court House at Upper Marlboro, Md., which shall run with and bind all lands that are known as Calvert Manor, are adopted and included where they are not in conflict with these Bylaws or Prince George's County code, and are legally applicable.
Section B. Owners of Property in Calvert Manor shall pay to the Calvert Manor Civic Association, Inc., by March 1st of every year, a dues assessment in the amount as determined by the Association members at an Annual Meeting. The assessment is per property owner(s) and shall be the same for single site owner(s) and multiple site owner(s).
Such funds are to be used for repair, maintenance and improvement of CMCA Manor Park, and to conduct the Association's business.
Section C. Manor Park and all other Calvert Manor assets are for the use of CMCA, Inc. members and only those in good standing and their immediate families shall be entitled to use these assets. Members shall be responsible for their families and guests. When the Calvert Manor Pavilion is reserved for private use, members must abide by written park rules provided at time of reservation.
Section D. The Association may establish rules and regulations concerning the use of CMCA property. Violations of these rules and regulations may result in the suspension of the member's privileges at the discretion of the Board.
Article IX - Amendments
Section A. These Bylaws may be amended at an Annual (or Special) Meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been offered in writing at a previous meeting and the membership notified one (1) month prior to the vote. (See Article VII, Sections C and D.)
- Such amendments, to be adopted, must be carried by a vote of quorum.
End of Bylaws, APPROVED 10/27/2018